Friday, March 27, 2009

Jesus and frozen yogurt

Tonight we (Caylee Christner and Claire Kobren) went out for ice cream before starting our Sex and the City marathon. Instead we went to Pinkberry. It was delicious (and embarrassing because for some reason Nadia from Pinkberry remembers my name). While we enjoyed our fro-yo, including the new chocolate shavings, we saw a nice dog outside. We said "Hello," to him when we left. On our way back to the car, stopped at a cross walk, a couple of men approached us. These were no ordinary men. They had Christian literature and really wanted us to take it. One of them had a nasty harelip scar (Caylee just admitted that that was the only thing she looked at the whole time). After accepting their pamphlets and the fact that we couldn't really walk away until the light changed, we faced the men. Poor weak Caylee practically invited these men right in to harass us, mainly her. "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" he asked. Caylee said she did, I nodded. THEN this man got all crazy and was asking stuff like, "Would you go to Heaven or Hell if you died right now?" We told him we would definitely go to Heaven, duh. Finally the light changed. I tugged Caylee but that slick son of a bitch said, "I'll walk with you." He just kept asking Caylee what Jesus did for her. She was not prepared for these questions. After a bunch of Christian propaganda (including a "ticket to heaven" daring you to rip up the paper if you didn't need it that proved to be unrippable) and instructions to follow "the roman map" the men backed off. Caylee was convinced the man was going to pull a gun out of his pocket and shoot her just to teach her a lesson about Heaven and Hell. We didn't end up watching any Sex and the City.

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